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]]>Our webinar – Raising invoices and Getting Paid Quicker was on the 19th May 2021.
We were joined by Paul Layte FCA from Next Level Business. Paul is a business growth specialist who has founded several high profile corporate start-ups and has worked in board level roles in four different listed businesses. A chartered accountant by background with a passion for growing businesses of all shapes and sizes which he now does through his own digital chartered accountancy firm Next Level Business where Paul, as the founder and CEO also provides advisory and CFO support to many ambitious small businesses ans SME’s.
Okappy is a business 2 business connected workforce management platform which applies social and market networking technology to a real business need. The need to communicate and collaborate with your employees who are often at different locations (and now more than ever). With your subcontractors and with your customers.
Okappy helps the most forward looking and dynamic companies increase transparency, reduce duplication, costs and errors and increase efficiency. Ultimately making a significant contribution to bottom line profits.
With Okappy, you can connect to your employees, customers and subcontractors.
Send and receive jobs.
See the status of those jobs as they’re updated by your engineers and subcontractors
Then raise your invoices at the touch of a button.
It’s those first three points which I am touching on today.
Late payments are an issue in the UK. Particularly in some of the sectors that customers work in. i..e, construction, facilities management, housing.
Research by BAC, the payment organization, suggests that £32.4 billion is owed which equates to about £35k for the average smaller enterprise.
Late payments are due to a number of factors. What gets the most headlines is large companies delaying payment to improve their own cash flow. But a lot is also due to your own processes. One of the big changes we see in companies that move to digital workforce management is the speed in which invoices can be generated. Systems are obviously part of it, but processes are also key which I’m sure Paul will talk about.
I think what we want you to take away is that late payments can be a headache but there is a lot you can do about it to make the whole process smoother, more efficient and much quicker.
On that note, I’m going to introduce you to Paul.
Paul, CEO and founder of Next Level Business, the Growth Accountants. He has founded, grown and exited several high-profile corporate startups in the telecoms and technology sectors.
He’s worked in board level roles in four different listed businesses and been a non-executive director and chairman of several smaller companies.
Like me, Paul is a keen motorsports enthusiast, Paul likes rugby and reminiscing about past sporting glories in the swimming pool. So maybe that’s a question you can ask him about at the end.
When you’re onboarding a customer, ensure they are set up correctly. You know what information is required on their invoices.
Send your invoices as soon as possible. A lot of delays are actually caused by the invoice not going out in the first place.
Ensure it is easy for your customer to pay your invoice. Ensure your bank details are correct, any additional such as IBAN numbers are included and that your business name matches your bank account name.
Also offer different options for your customers. Can they pay by BACs, credit card or debit card.
Monitor the due date of your invoices. And ensure you give your customer a call a week before the invoice is due. This ensures that everything is in order before they attempt payment.
This also entitles you to chase your invoices as soon as it is overdue. If you chase the day after the due date, then your customer will learn that you will always follow up on overdue invoices. If they are looking to delay payments then it’s likely they will delay the invoices from customers they haven’t heard from rather than the ones that make the most noise.
Finally once your customer has paid your invoice. Don’t forget to thank them.
One of the first decision companies make when joining Okappy is how to put in a control to ensure that you have raised your invoices.
A lot of companies we speak to talk about the difficulty of getting job sheets back from their guys, understanding what has been done and then raising an invoice in a timely manner. Particular when companies rely on paperwork or spreadsheets it’s too easy to forget to raise an invoice and we certainly hear that a lot.
With Okappy, there are 2 ways you can keep on top of that process and ensure an invoice has been raised.
1) The first way is to automatically archive jobs once the invoice has been raised. This way you can see at a glance that if there are completed jobs on your dashboard then an invoice hasn’t been raised.
2) The second way is to add the invoiced column to your dashboard. That way you can see a tick once the invoice has been raised.
It’s up to you which process you use, most go with the first as it keeps the dashboard cleaner and helps you see the wood from the trees.
The second step in using a system is to determine how you can raise an invoice.
With Okappy, there’s various ways. You can raise an invoice from a job
You can raise it from a quote or you can raise a miscellaneous invoice.
One thing to note with the network, you can also receive invoices from your subcontractors or suppliers. That includes our invoices to you.
To raise an invoice from a job
To raise an invoice from a quote
To raise a miscellaneous invoice
Submitting your invoices.
Changing your invoice from Draft to Submitted means that your customer can view your invoice and pay it (depending on your settings)
One thing Paul mentioned was being on top of which invoices have been paid. With Okappy you can look at it at a granular level with each invoice. You can also see how much is owed at a customer level.
The first thing to note is how the invoices actually get marked as paid. There’s three ways this can be done.
Once an invoice has been marked as paid then this can be seen in three areas.
You can see it in your invoices dashboard, the paid column towards the right of the screen.
You can see it when raising a job. When you select a customer, their outstanding balance is shown which is the value of all invoices raised less those which have been paid.
There’s also a couple of reports – the invoices paid report and the outstanding invoices report which shows which invoices have been paid or not.
Paul mentioned about making it easy for your customer to pay you.
If you are taking payments through BACS or direct, then ensure your invoice template is updated with all the correct details.
You also have the option to take payment through Okappy. To do this, you simply enable the payment button on your invoices. When a customer clicks the button they’ll be taken to our payment gateway where they can make a secure payment to cover your invoice.
You can determine which customers the button shows for, you can show it on all your invoices or not show it all.
To change the setting for all customers, go to invoice options and then select the payment button link.
To change the settings for a specific customer. Go to the connections screen, find the relevant customer and click Payment settings
The first checkbox determines whether the Pay invoice button shows or not.
You can also set who pays the transaction charge. It can be added to the invoice in which case your customers who pays. It can be taken off the invoices in which case you get the amount of the invoice less the transaction charge. Or you can split the payment between yourself and your customer.
We talked about tips for getting paid quicker including ensure the setup of your customer is correct, ensure invoices are sent in a timely manner and keep an eye on the due date.
Chase as soon as the invoice is due and don’t forget to say thank you
We showed you three ways to raise your invoices on Okappy. From a job, from a quote and a miscellaneous invoice.
We showed various ways that you could see whether an invoice has been paid or the value of all invoices outstanding.
Finally we discussed using the pay now functionality from within Okappy to automate your process and make it easier for your customer to pay your invoices.
There’s lots of information on our help and support pages including help articles, questions and answers and videos.
Here’s some links to articles which we have covered today.
A number of short, self explanatory videos are also available.
Thanks once again for attending our webinar. I hope you found it useful.
Please connect with Okappy on twitter at @ok_appy or follow us on LinkedIn at
You can also follow Next Level Business at on twitter at @_nlbusiness or on LinkedIn at
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]]>The post Webinar – Top things you didn’t know about Okappy appeared first on Okappy.
]]>Our Webinar on Wednesday 21st April at 2pm covered three things you might not know about Okappy.
The webinar lasts for 30 minutes during which time you’ll hopefully takeaway some nifty tips you can use to get the most from Okappy’s Portal+.
Okappy is a business 2 business connected workforce management platform which applies social and market networking technology to a real business need. The need to communicate and collaborate with your employees who are often at different locations (and now more than ever). With your subcontractors and with your customers.
Okappy helps the most forward looking and dynamic companies increase transparency, reduce duplication, costs and errors and increase efficiency. Ultimately making a significant contribution to bottom line profits.
With Okappy, you can connect to your employees, customers and subcontractors. Send and receive jobs and see the status of those jobs as they’re updated by your engineers and subcontractors out in the field.
Once the job is complete, you can raise your invoices at the touch of a button.
We chose these three top tips as that’s where we get the most interest.
People are interested in the network as it’s a new way of doing business. It’s helping the most forward looking for companies reduce duplication and errors. It’s helping them provide the best customer service and real time reporting to their own customers and it’s helping them streamline their processes when managing employees and subcontractors.
People are interested in building their own templates. It’s a relatively new feature and allows companies to really fit Okappy around their specific requirements. And I’ll talk more about how different use this functionality in different ways,
Finally, we talk about adding files, images and signatures. Although a lot of our customers get up to speed quickly with adding attachments to jobs. There is actually a lot more you can do with Okappy. You can add documents to customers, employees and subcontractors which could include things like copies of insurance certificates or contractors which means you always have information close to hand. In addition, there’s more ways you can retrieve that information which I’ll take you through in a bit.
Okappy is unique in that it’s always been built around a connected network approach. While other workforce management systems may work well internally, they quickly fall down when other companies are involved in the work.
And in this day and age, companies don’t work in isolation. With outsourcing, with specialist knowledge and equipment more and more companies collaborate. In fact, a Gartner research report said that by this year almost half or all work will be done by engineers and technicians not directly employed by you.
This can cause issues and we hear a lot about the duplication of information between different company’s systems. We hear about the hassle of providing reports to customers and their increasing demands to get the reports more quickly. We also here a about the mistakes, delays and missed jobs caused by having to copy information from one system to another.
With Okappy’s Portal+ network, you can connect to your customers and subcontractors. You can receive work from your customers or add work on their behalf and you can assign that work to your employees or subcontractors.
Everyone involved in that work can see the latest status of the job which means your customers don’t have to chase you and you don’t need to chase your employees or subcontractors.
It also means information is kept up to date, if your customers updated their contacts details the change is immediately available to you. Likewise, if you update your details that information is shared with your network.
So how do you build your network.
To send a connect request, simply
They’ll be notified that you want to connect.
If they accept your invitation, they can log in and view their own account which is completely independent from yours. They can add jobs and assign them to you, or you can add jobs on their behalf which they can see. However, they can’t see any of your other jobs. They also can’t see which employees or subcontractors is doing the work. This ensure privacy and leaves you in control of the work.
You can also save documents for your customers which will talk more about later.
You can add notes for your customer, get your invoices seen and paid quicker including taking payment.
Management gurus often talk about looking at your customers base to see which companies add to your profit and which add to your costs. Consultants will often tell you that 80% of your profits come from 20% of your customers. With Okappy you can run various reports on how to see which work you did for which companies.
You can also search for other companies on the Okappy network so you can actually find new customers or subcontractors when you’re ready to grow.
You can connect to subcontractors in the same way that you connect to customers.
To send a connect request, simply
They’ll be notified that you want to connect.
Like customers they can only see the jobs that have been assigned to you. The information they see is also restricted, they cannot see who your customer is so you don’t need to worry that they’ll try and cut you out of the leep.
One important difference between customers and subcontractors is that subcontractors have to accept your invite before you can assign jobs to them. This is an important distinction as you want to know that your subcontractor has receive your work and is going to act on it.
You can also save documents for your subcontractors which will talk more about later.
You can add notes for your subcontractor, get your invoices seen and paid quicker including taking payment.
You can also analyze how your subcontractors are working and compare them to your employees.
You can also search for other companies on the Okappy network so you can find new customers or subcontractors when you’re ready to grow.
Our second top tip is around creating job templates
This is a new feature on Okappy is the ability to create and edit your own job templates. Our aim with Okappy has always been to keep it simple so if you’re on the coal face you’re not having to think what fields you need to fill in and what information is required.
When you add and update a job it was always based around a template. But in the past, we had to create those templates for you manually which takes time, is costly to you and can lead to errors. A couple of years ago we started work on new functionality to enable you to easily create your own templates. Once your templates are created you can edit them.
We continue to develop the template builder to make it easier and simpler to use. We’ve also added new field types to the check sheets so you can choose from dropdowns, checkboxes, text areas and others.
We’ve seen lots of companies get creative in how they use the template functionality including adding templates for different reasons such as holiday check forms or even covid notifications. We’ve seen some complex check sheets including inventory checks and gas and electrical certificates.
To create a template
The template builder is split into 4 key sections.
You’ve got the header and footer which will be on all the jobs done with that template
You’ve got the template settings which includes things like what information is automatically pulled into the invoice and when the different job dashboard alerts start to flash
Then you have the main job section which is typically filled out when adding the job and can include things like the contact’s name, address and job description
Finally, you can add check sheets at various stages of the job. When you’re engineers first look at the job, when they have done the work and once the job has been complete.
There’s also lots of help and support including a step-by-step video on our support site > jobs > creating customer job templates.
The template builder is split into 4 key sections.
Our final top tip is about adding images, files and other attachments on Okappy
A lot of you will know that you add images, photos, videos, documents and signature to a job. This is used more and more to demonstrate to customers what has been done and provide information for future work.
It means the files are easily accessible and all in one place rather than having search through WhatsApp, email etc.
They are available in real-time so the office can see the files as soon as they’ve been updated, likewise the engineer can view the files from their phone or tablet.
Images can be added from the office or by your engineers out in the field.
They are available to everyone in real-time.
From the web
From within a job
Your engineers can also add documents, files and images to a job when they are out and about. To do that,
You also have control over how the image is uploaded, Either in the background which allows you to carry on editing work or in line.
One thing to note that if you do upload the file in the background, if you close the app then how the image gets uploaded will depend on the phone rather than our app. Apple restricts uploads say if the battery is low or if the network is poor.
Android is like iOS apart from a few subtle differences. To upload a job on Android
Once you have a document or attachment on a job. You can also copy the attachments when you’re copying the job. That makes it really easy to have a job which always has a specific document i..e, a RAMS doc
To do that, copy the job and ensure the Copy any attachments icon is selected.
Likewise on the mobile app to copy a job and any attachments
Likewise on the mobile app to copy a job and any attachments
You can also add documents to invoices and to your customers, subcontractors and employees.
To add a document to your customer.
You can also view any documents for that customer from the same link
You can also add documents to invoices and to your customers, subcontractors and employees.
To add a document to your customer.
You can also view any documents for that subcontractor from the same link
You can also add documents to invoices and to your customers, subcontractors and employees.
To add a document to your customer.
You can also view any documents for that employee from the same link
Leave your details above and we’ll send out a copy of the slides. We’re also interested to hear of any other topics you may like to hear about for future webinars.
The post Webinar – Top things you didn’t know about Okappy appeared first on Okappy.