Traceable Job History
with Okappy’s Electronic Job Sheet Software

View your job’s history
Click into a job to see previous work done and when using our Job Sheet Software Job History functionality. View images which were attached to the job and stay on top of notes which have been added. Know what has happened previously. Save time and reduce errors.
See a job’s history out in the field
You can also the your jobs history quickly and easily when you’re on site. Open the app, view your job and see all the previous jobs done at that site. Keep informed, stay up to date and ensure the best service is provided to the customer.

View previously stored images and documents
Images, videos and documents are stored with the job history so you can easily see what work was done previously.
Full audit log
The change log on each job shows who has updated it and when. You can even store the location the job was updated automatically, if required.

Okappy’s Field Service Management Software provides a Traceable Job History

View your job’s history
Click into a job to see previous work done and when. See any images which were attached and stay on top of notes which have been added. Know what has happened previously. Save time and reduce errors.

See a job’s history out in the field
You can also the your jobs history quickly and easily when you’re on site. Open the app, view your job and see all the previous jobs done at that site. Keep informed, stay up to date and ensure the best service is provided to the customer.

View previously stored images and documents
Images, videos and documents are stored with the job history so you can easily see what work was done previously.

Full audit log
The change log on each job shows who has updated it and when. You can even store the location the job was updated automatically, if required.