After a lot of work, we’re happy to announce the release of our new job page which is cleaner, faster and hopefully makes it more easy to see which filters you have applied.
The changes
- We’ve moved the job button to the top of the screen so it’s more readily available.
- The layout of the top navigation bar has been improved and simplified.
- The job filter is now in the middle of the page and away from the global search. This helps differentiate between the two and makes it more obvious when a filter has been selected.
- When you sort on a column, the colour of the relevant column header changes to make it stand out
- The calendar and job settings buttons are now bigger and more easy to see.
New scheduling view
- We’ve added a new scheduler view which which allows you to more easily see at a glance who is doing what and when.
- The scheduler is available by clicking on the Calendar icon and then day view.
- Each of your engineers and subcontractor are listed down the side of the page with their jobs listed horizontally.
- You can also view all jobs for the week or month in the same way as you can on other calendar software.
We hope you like the new features. We’re also interested in your comments or suggestions, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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