It is that time of the year again! Christmas is almost here and we are reaching the end of another busy and eventful year for the Okappy network. The start of 2022 was difficult with a lot of companies reducing their workforce, merging with other companies or going out of business.  However, as the year progressed we started to see signs of recovery.

The Okappy team has worked incredibly hard this year and has achieved many great things to help move the network forward. Below are some of our key highlights which we are proud to share.

A new milestone reached

We saw over one hundred thousand users registered on Okappy in November.

Sales and marketing

We’ve been building on the success of our sales and marketing throughout 2022. Joe has been working hard to be on hand for new and existing customers. We’ve been tweeting on Twitter and posting on LinkedIn. We’ve also been using LinkedIn to connect with customers, prospects and influencers in the industries and communicate with them. If you haven’t already connected, check out our LinkedIn page and be sure to follow us to keep abreast of all the latest news and developments.

We also took on a PR company – PRG Communications to help us raise awareness and promote Okappy. Noticeable features included articles in Premises and Facilities Management and the Facilities Management Journal. We also wrote a number of case studies with our customers which made interesting reading whilst also helping them promote their own businesses.


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Robin took on more responsibility this year and now looks after all aspects of infrastructure, development and testing. This was a big change for Robin. He has been with Okappy from the early days, initially concentrating on iOS. Over the last few years he has taken on more responsibility for our Android apps, our main web app and for the hardware that Okappy runs on.

New customers and industries

Railways on Okappy

In addition to our existing industries, we’ve increased our network this year with new companies joining from a diverse selection of industries from animal control, McDonalds franchises, IT companies and even a narrow gauge railway.

New features and development

Given the growth of the network and the current climate, we had to spend a lot of time on performance and security this year. October was particularly difficult as the number of jobs done over the network increased dramatically. However we managed to get on top of things with November and December registering increased volumes of work with no noticeable slow down in performance.

We partnered with QuickBooks this year which involved going through their own stringent security testing. We also strengthened our premium partnership with Xero with an enhanced listing on their website and a new ‘login with Xero’ button which means new customers can use their Xero credentials to login to Okappy.

There have been a lot of software development and enhancements over the year. Some notable highlights include

  • New fields and options are now available for users when creating job templates
  • New global search functionality and filters to enable users to find information more quickly
  • The Radar screen and GPS device locations enhancements
  • Ability to add jobs for assets and record inventory
  • Streamline the onboarding process when companies invite their subcontractors
  • New reports have been added

Next year

So what does next year hold for Okappy. It’s onwards and upwards. We’re scheduled to see our millionth job processed on the platform in the first half of the year. We’ve got a lot of exciting new features we’re working on and of course we continue to look for ways to improve performance even further.

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