Getting your list of jobs using the Okappy API

Okappy is a B2B workforce management platform where you can connect to your customers, employees and subcontractors. Send and receive jobs and assign them to your employees AND subcontractors.

To get your list of jobs using the Okappy API, follow the instructions below


First you will need to get an up to date authentication token.  For further information see authenticating with Okappy.

Getting your list of jobs

Get your list of jobs using the following endpoint.

GET /jobs


Header Content
Authorize Bearer token

The token should be a string taken from the “access_token” field of a response to an authorise request.


Parameter Description
limit The number of jobs to return
offset The row number to start from

For example sending a limit of 10 with an offset of 5 will return 10 jobs starting from the 5th job.


Code Description
200 Operation successful
204 No data returned
400 Bad request
401 Unauthorised
415 Data sent in wrong format (should be JSON)
429 Too many requests in a short period of time (please try again later)