To create a dashboard in Google Sheets using data from Okappy,
- Click the Google Sheets icon above the report

- Click Create a new sheet in the alert which pops up (or create a google sheet by typing in the address bar, or from within Google sheets)
- In the new Google sheets, select a cell and paste the copied formula

- Highlight the cells containing all the data which has been pulled down from Okappy
- At this stage, you may want to change column widths and change the types of different cells

- Click Insert from the Google Sheets menu
- Select Pivot table

- Select New sheet
- And then click Create

- Click a cell in the pivot table and then select the following options in the Pivot table editor section on the right of the sheet
- Click Add in the Rows section
- Select Customers
- Click Add in the Columns section
- Select Assigned
- Click Add in the Values section
- Select ID and then select Count in the Summarise by option
- Click Add in the Filters section
- Select Status and select the following statuses: No status, On site and Work done
- Click Add in the Filters section again
- Select Job type
- Select the relevant job type you want to see the data for

To have Google Sheets update the pivot table automatically.
- Go to the tab which contains the original downloaded data
- Select the cell where you originally pasted the formula from Okappy
- Find the part of the formula which contains ToDate
- Replace the data and time with &TEXT(TODAY(), “mm-dd-yyyy 23:59”)
=IMPORTDATA(“”&TEXT(TODAY(), “mm-dd-yyyy 23:59″)&”&key=15569099553381b50cfe22c0a3167e174cef4dccd8&ForCID=-1&invoiceType=raised&UserID=2&description=-1″)