Raising invoices to cover multiple jobs
With Okappy, customers can have recurring jobs or multiple jobs for a customer. Some customers therefore need to raise an invoice to cover multiple jobs. This can be done with Okappy, read on to find out how.
To raise an invoice for multiple jobs, simply link your jobs together and then raise the invoice off any one of the jobs in the chain.
When the customer views the invoice, provided you are showing the linked job in the invoice, then clicking on the link to the job will show all the linked jobs in the chain.
Note: The linked job option is available in the job template builder. For each template, click Options and then Raise invoice options and ensure the Show link back to job sheet box is checked.
Template builder link to job sheet option
Invoice – showing link to job sheets
Job sheets showing related jobs
Including information from linked jobs in the invoice
When you raise an invoice from a job, the job information is pulled in the first line of the invoice. If you want to include the information from the linked jobs, then this will need to be copied and pasted into the invoice.
The easiest way to do keep one browser window open with the invoice and then open another window with either the jobs dashboard filtered on the linked jobs, a report (either all jobs, completed jobs depending on which information you want to include) or a spreadsheet filtered on the linked jobs.
If you want to copy multiple fields from each job, if you download the jobs into a spreadsheet using the Export jobs option on the jobs dashboard or one of the reports mentioned above. You can then use a formula to combine the rows into one cell i.e.,
Where D2 E2 I2 K2 P2 are the cells which you want to combine separated by a space.