Searching for customers and/or subcontractors on the Okappy network

The Okappy platform is unique. It allows you to find customers and subcontractors, connect to them and then manage work in a simple, transparent way.

If your business is growing, or if you want to grow, you can use the network to find new customers and subcontractors.

Read on for step by step instructions on how to find customers and subcontractors on the Okappy network.

Searching for customers and/or subcontractors

To search for customers when logged into Okappy, click on the Connections icon ( Connections icon) towards the top right of the screen and then click the network tab.

Note: If the network tab is disabled, please speak to your Okappy support contact to upgrade your account.

Connections screen

Choose the industry where your customer/subcontractor works.

Select industry

Narrow down your search by entering some or all of the following

  • key words (i..e, drainage, cctv)
  • the company name, or part of it
  • the company location
  • the company’s domain (i.e., Okappy’s domain is

Narrow down search

Click Search to find any companies matching your search criteria.

If you have found the company you want to connect to, click Connect.

Network search results

Choose whether the company is your customer or subcontractor and click Next.

Request connection

You can enter a message or use the default and then click Send request.

Send request

An email invite will be sent to the email address advising that you would like to connect.

If you are connecting as a customer, you can start adding jobs on their behalf straight away.

If you are connecting as a subcontractor, they will need to accept your invite before you can start assigning jobs to them.

See also