Searching for information
Finding key information quickly is one of the things that differentiates Okappy from other software. With other systems you may have to search through lots of different pages or even through different applications.
With Okappy, all your information is available with a minimum number of clicks.
Read on to find out how to get find information quickly and easily using the smart filters or global search.
Using smart filters
Smart filters are available throughout Okappy. You can use them to quickly search in your jobs screen, through your invoices, connections or in a generated report.
Start typing part of a word to quickly filter down to the relevant jobs or invoice etc which contain that word. You could try with a postcode, name or telephone number or any part of the description.
Smart filters are available in the following screens
- jobs dashboard
- invoices
- connections
- reports

Using the global search
Global search is also available throughout the app. Simply enter a word in the global search bar and click the magnifying glass to start searching.
The window will show the relevant results depending on what screen you are currently in. If you are in the jobs dashboard, the first results shown will be for any relevant jobs.
From there, you can also search other areas such as related invoices
You can search your Customers, or search support articles
Using reports
If you’re looking for a job or invoice which is cancelled or if you want more granularity over your search, you can use the reports to find a specific information.
See the following for more information
For further information
For further information search in our support pages or forum